Monday, 18 August 2008

It's Raining!

When it rains here it knows how to rain! This afternoon it sure has. But the dogs still have to go out and it's very atmospheric with the mist on the hills. (We get more punters through the door too which is no bad thing - they seem to want to get indoors for some strange reason?) Turning, turning and some more turning. The trimmings make great slops clay when soaked down, unlike the new powder mixes which are very bad for throwing with for a few weeks (very short is the technical term for it) this older clay is nice plastic usable clay when it's been through the dough mixer and pug mill.
Plus I did a wee bit of combing.

One thing about production throwing is you can stack bowls (even in the kiln sometimes.)

It's a bit depressing though (I've been spoilt by too much nice weather, don't want to get wet taking the bike out, not even down the pub!) STOP PRESS - A new day, new weather its sunny again! (That will mean not so many customers, Och! well such is life.)

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