Sunday 13 July 2008

A good Days Rest.

Went for a walk up the forest today, found some mushrooms but I'm not sure that they are False Chanterelle or not? It's been such a long time since I had any, Bailey and Murphy seemed to be very interested though.

OK, normal service will resume as soon as possible - sorry for the rambling on yesterday but a good day doing nothing (well sorting out some stuff but not much) has made me feel a lot better and I will probably keep Mr Keeney's head as a reminder of how I should not let life drag me down if nothing else. It's rather good in its own way and besides it also reminds me of Fiona & Brian from White Hills who took it up to their home and cared enough to fire it brilliantly and of cause it reminds me of all the other great friends I meet up at the SPA AGM in Kindrogan Field centre every year. Enigmatic is the word for his expression I think and it does fit in here again, now that I've sorted everything out. A place for everything and everything in its place. (PS, the photo is not how I've left it - looked a bit wrong with these pieces some how).


Paul Jessop said...

Hi Alan I got the link up.

Alan from Argyll Pottery said...

Great, same here.