Friday, 8 August 2008

Sort Out.

I don't feel that I've done a lot today, we made the clay yesterday and I know I've sorted out roughly the list of making for the next firing but it was a bit of a work out what to do rather than actually DO day. (At least the weather is warmer). I did prepare some lumps for making tomorrow, Hugh and I also cut wood for the kiln & Nicola made some wee fan vases.
Nicola has a tattoo on the back of her shoulder and asked me if I knew the meaning of the characters she was assured by the tattoo artist that it meant power, from what I can figure out it doesn't say kick me or anything like that, the literal translation is a wee bit open but I think says "Small one of inner strength". Which is, if I know Nx at all quite true. Except she's not very small, quite tall actually for a girl. If anyone knows more about the characters please do tell us.

Went to Taynuilt on the bike but took Nx this time, it's amazing how different people see different things in the same place! Last time I went I almost totally ignored the end of the pier but Nicola went straight to it to photograph the old broken wood which looked spectacular in the late sun on the water.

She was quite right.

That's those posh art college graduates for you.

Amazing (My ugly mug didn't crack the lens!)

(Neither did Nx, of cause!)

I've noticed a bit too much going off on a tangent and not enough pots on this potters blog. - I'm going to fix that (sorry about my rambling on).


Hannah said...

hmmmmmmmm. . .

Alan from Argyll Pottery said...

Hey Hannah, You sound just like my Mum. But OK I will stop with the trip photo's if you really disapprove?

Hannah said...

Ho de ho you so know that's not what I meant.

Alan from Argyll Pottery said...

What just because you don't use Chinese calligraphy brushes every week like I do you're not interested in Japanese/Chinese characters? OK.

Hannah said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm. . .

Alan from Argyll Pottery said...

Hello - Mum?